Is there a light in the dark travel tunnel of Covid-19? NBH sure hope so!

Jul 29, 2022 |

Since the outbreak of covid-19, it has been difficult or almost impossible to travel to China. Strict restrictions and quarantine rules have made business trips difficult to carry out for over two years. But now we might see a little light in the tunnel.

Recently some important news came:

  • From 2022-06-13, China is facilitating the visa application for people who have a Chinese vaccine or a vaccine approved by the WHO.
  • It is no longer necessary to have a PU invitation letter if you intend to work in China or to visit family members staying there.
  • From 2022-06-30 it is possible to travel in transit to China from all other countries.

However, 7 days of hotel quarantine and three days of home quarantine remains until further notice.

Traveling to China is still difficult but NBH is happy that some rules are being eased up and hope it soon will be possible to visit the country as before.

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