
The big Q&A platform in China has become a big hit!  

At Zhihu you can create your own account, reach out to industry specific forums or collaborate with professional influencers in your industry! 

NBH highly recommends Zhihu for B2B companies to create brand awareness, direct leads, and increase your SEO in search results!

zhihu social media china
The Logo of Zhihu

Zhihu – The Q&A platform

Its brand name Zhihu can be translated to “Do you know?”, and it is the largest Q&A platform in China. The platform can be compared to the American website Quora or a knowledge bank like Wikipedia. 

The main purpose of the platform is for users to ask questions and to get answers from the community using the Zhihu platform. 

Zhihu suits well for specific industries that wants to interact and share knowledge with potential customers. 

zhihu social media china

For B2B companies Zhihu can be a very effective and relevant platform to engage with industry professionals. Tailor made copywriting about your business and get industry experts learn more about your companies’ products and services.  

Activities on Zhihu do also have a positive impact on your SEO. NBH has a great experience working with different industry accounts or professionals (influencer) that are active on Zhihu, working in different fields.  

Key facts

  • 420+ million registred users  
  • 98% of their users are older than 18 years. 

Want to learn more about Zhihu?

Book a meeting with our sales representatives and find out how we can help you succeed on Zhihu! 
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