Chinese Digital Landscape Event in Oslo, Norway

Feb 10, 2024 |

On February 8th Norwegian China Chamber of Commerce (NCCC) and The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) co-hosted an event on the topic Chinese Digital Landscape.

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Chinese Ambassador Hou Yue, Former Norweigan Ambassador to China Svein O. Sæther,
NCCC board of directors as well NBH representative CEO Jonathan Kullman and CCO Richard Hårdänge

The event was opened by Chinese Ambassador Hou Yue giving a keynote speech on the topic of China-Norway relations, trade, and the impact and growth of the digital economy.

NBH’s CEO Jonathan Kullman and CCO Richard Hårdänge were invited as keynote speakers to share the latest insights and trends on how businesses can navigate and use the Chinese digital landscape to grow their business.

In addition, NUPI Director Ms. Osland, former Ambassador H.E. Mr. Sæther, and Senior Researcher Mr. Gåsemyr of NUPI spoke about topics related to China-Norway relations and China’s digital economy development.

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NBH CEO Jonathan Kullman and CCO Richard Hårdänge giving keynote speech about digital marketing trends for business in China

With over 100 people attending the event, several questions were asked during the panel discussion. All questions related to the Chinese digital landscape and how companies can use it to reach their commercial objectives for the Chinese market.

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Panel discussion with questions from the audience

Interested in taking part in the presentation we shared in the keynote speech please contact us by clicking here.

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